This sign-board has been placed at the front of Yee Lee’s office for over 50 years.  The sign-board is a bit younger than Yee Lee, which commenced its operations back in 1936.

The sign-board, with our Chinese name 義利 prominently displayed, has kept on alerting us of Yee Lee’s tradition from the very beginning ─ faith should come before profits.

Printed Circuit Board

Electric Board

Copper Clad Lamiante

Copper Foil Roll

Aluminum basd CCL

Copper Ball


Nickel Crown

Nickel Square

Nickel Hydroxycarbonate

Ammonium Persulphate

Sodium Persulphate

Caustic Soda Pearl

Potassium Hydroxide

Potassium Carbonate

'amc' Nickel Sulfamate

Hydrogen Peroxide


Micro Etching Agent(MGC)

Humidity Indicator Card


Our customers are the manufacturers of Printed Circuit Boards, including single-sided, double-sided, multi-layer and flexible. Our clientele covers over 80% of the large to medium-size manufacturers in Guangdong, south PRC. Our technical sales team have in-depth knowledge in this market and industry and are working closely with customers to solve their problems.

The major item of products sold are :


Activated Carbon Granular / Powder

Aluminum Oxide

Aluminum based CCL

Ammonium Persulphate

 - Ammonium Persulphate

Boric Acid Powder

Carbon Paste

Caustic Soda Pearl

 - Caustic Soda Pearl

Citric Acid

Copper Ball (Oxygen Free)

 - Copper Ball (Oxygen Free)

Copper Ball (Phosphorous)

 - Copper Ball (Phosphorous)

Copper Clad Laminate

 - Copper Clad Laminate

 - 铜面积层板 (中文版)

Copper Foil

 - Copper Foil

 - 电解铜箔 (中文版)

Copper Sulphate

 - Copper Sulphate (Mitsubish)

 - Copper Sulphate (Sumitomo)

 - Copper Sulphate - High Purity Grade (Sumitomo)

DMP Glycol Ether


Dimethylformamide (DMF)

Filter Aid

Filter Cartridge : Carbon Filter

Filter Cartridge : P.P. Filter

Flexible PC Materials


High Thermal Conductivity Laminate (CEM-3)

 - High Thermal Conductivity Laminate (CEM-3)

 - 高导热性基板 CEM-3 (中文版)

Humidity Indicator Card

Hydrogen Peroxide

LE Sheet

Micro Etching Agent (MGC)

 - PCB Dry-Film-Resist Stripper

 - 印制电路板用显影液、剥离液 (中文版)

 - PCB Micro-Etching Solution

 - 印刷电路板用化学研磨液 (中文版)

 - Lead – Frames Packaging Etching solution

 - 芯片級封裝用蝕刻液 (中文版)

 - Iron & Iron alloys polishing solution

 - 铁、铁合金用化学研磨液 (中文版)

 - Copper & copper alloys polishing solution

 - 铜、铜合金用化学研磨液 (中文版)

 - Tin, Soldering, Chemical solution

 - 锡、焊锡、钛用化学研磨液 (中文版)

Nickel Chloride

 - Nickel Chloride

Nickel Hydroxycarbonate

 - Nickel Hydroxycarbonate

Nickel Round/Crown

Nickel Square

 - Nickel Square (Sumitomo)

 - Nickel 4x4 (Eramet)

 - Nickel (Norilsk)

 - Nickel (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel 4x4 (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel Crowns (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel D-Crowns (Nikkelverk)

Nickel Sulfamate

 - Nickel Sulfamate

Nickel Sulphate

 - Nickel Sulphate (Norilsk)

 - Nickel Sulphate, EN Grade (Norilsk)

 - Nickel Sulphate (Sumitomo)

Nitric Acid

Potassium Carbonate

 - Potassium Carbonate

Potassium Hydroxide Flake

 - Potassium Hydroxide Flake

Potassium Permanganate

Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PMA)

Sliver Paste

Soda Ash Light (Sodium Carbonate)

Sodium Chlorite Solution

Sodium Hydroxide Pellet (CP Grade)

Sodium Persulphate

 - Sodium Persulphate

 - 过硫酸纳 (中文版)

Solder Mask Stripper

Stainless Steel Press Plate

Stripper-Dry Film / LPI (MGC)

Sulphamic Acid