This sign-board has been placed at the front of Yee Lee’s office for over 50 years.  The sign-board is a bit younger than Yee Lee, which commenced its operations back in 1936.

The sign-board, with our Chinese name 義利 prominently displayed, has kept on alerting us of Yee Lee’s tradition from the very beginning ─ faith should come before profits.

Electroplating & Surface Finishing

Sumitomo Nickel Square

Nickel Square

Nickel Square

Nickel Round

Nickel Square

Sumitomo Nickel Sulphate

Nickel Sulphate

Nickel Chloride

MMC Copper Sulphate

Sumitomo Copper Sulphate


Pure Tin Anode Ball

Copper Nuggets

'amc' Nickel Sulfamate


Glass Beads

Tosa Emery






We represent several world prominent materials manufacturers and our sales network covers Hong Kong, the PRC, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand.

The major products sold are:

Ammonia Solution

Boric Acid Powder

Carbon Filter

Caustic Soda Pearl

 - Caustic Soda Pearl

Chemical Polishing Compound

Chromic Acid Flake


 - Cobalt

Copper Ball (Oxygen Free)

 - Copper Ball (Oxygen Free)

Copper Cyanide

Copper Nugget (Phosphorous)

 - Copper Nugget (Phosphorous)

Copper Pyrophosphate

Copper Sulphate

 - Copper Sulphate (Mitsubishi)

 - Copper Sulphate (Sumitomo)

 - Copper Sulphate - High Purity Grade (Sumitomo)

Corn Cob

Degreasing Compound

Degreasing Powder

Glass Beads

Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrogen Peroxide

Nickel Chloride

 - Nickel Chloride

Nickel Hydroxycarbonate

 - Nickel Hydroxycarbonate

Nickel Round

Nickel Square

 - Nickel Square (Sumitomo)

 - Nickel 4x4 (Eramet)

 - Nickel (Norilsk)

 - Nickel (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel 4x4 (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel Crowns (Nikkelverk)

 - Nickel D-Crowns (Nikkelverk)

Nickel Sulphamate

 - Nickel Sulphamate

Nickel Sulphate

 - Nickel Sulphate (Norilsk)

 - Nickel Sulphate, EN Grade (Norilsk)

 - Nickel Sulphate (Sumitomo)

Nitric Acid

P.P. Filter

Phosphoric Acid

Polishing Compound

Polishing Machines : Barrel Type

Polishing Machines : Centrifugal Type

Polishing Machines : Vibration Type

Polishing Media : Ceramic / Plastic

Potassium Cyanide

Potassium Hydroxide Flake

 - Potassium Hydroxide Flake

Potassium Pyrophosphate

Pure Tin Ball

Sodium Copper Cyanide

Sodium Cyanide

Sodium Phosphate (Trisodium Phosphate)

Stainless Steel Bead / Cutwire

Sulphuric Acid

Tosa Abrasive

Tosa Emery Extra

Walnut Chips